Thursday Thoughts - 08/18/2022

In this short newsletter, I share the most interesting things that I’ve read, heard, and/or watched over the past week.

What I Read:

The Comfort Crisis | Michael Easter

Michael Easter writes about his five-week adventure hunting caribou in the Alaskan wilderness in The Comfort Crisis. As a lead up to his expedition, he explores nutrition, fitness, and mental health by reaching out to a diverse group of researchers, scientists, and doctors. He’s come to the conclusion that the current lifestyle of comfort is detrimental to our overall health.

The details and stories of the Alaskan wild reeled me in. I am a sucker for survivalist reality TV shows like Alone or Naked and Afraid. I felt like I was in the middle of another episode while reading this book.

I also enjoyed how Michael Easter was able to seamlessly integrate all his stories into a central theme. As captivating as the main story was, all the side stories provided a rich background of information.

What I Watched:

Pinkcast 4.25

Daniel Pink offers advice on what to do about reaching out to someone you haven’t talked to you in a while. He perfectly describes the feelings of resistance when reconnecting. And offers sage advice in 5 simple words: when in doubt, reach out.

I share the same feelings as the ones Daniel Pink explains in his video. However, I often take the less courageous route of just doing nothing. The next time this happens, I’ll remember his simple advice.

What I’m Pondering:

“Develop the habit of letting small bad things happen. If you don’t, you’ll never find time for the life-changing big things.”

Tim Ferriss

Tags: #quotes #books

Thursday Thoughts

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