Hi, I'm Leon

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Thursday Thoughts

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Featured Posts:

How I Studied for the SE Exam

May 22, 2017
I passed the Structural Engineering license exam (SE Exam) in Hawaii after two tries. I go over my how I studied for the exam in detail, including study methods, SE Exam practice questions, and test strategies.

Recent Posts:

Optimizing the Axie Infinity Garuda Shrine Store

Jan 6, 2024
Axie Infinity just released a significant update introducing parts evolution. This update completes the core game loop. Players now have a compelling reason to consistently engage with their Axies, increase their levels, and evolve their parts. This process builds on the connection between a player and their Axies. This update establishes a more sustainable ecosystem, surpassing the play-to-earn model in the previous bull cycle.

Past Year Review 2022

Jan 21, 2023
I examine the people, activities, and commitments that produce the most positive and negative emotions in 2022. Then use this information to map out 2023.

Best Purchases in 2022

Dec 30, 2022
As part of my annual review, I go over my purchases from the past year. I like to see what I spent my money on and if it brought me joy. I use this exercise as a guide for purchases in the coming year. It might seem obvious but I want to spend more money on the things that bring me joy and less on the things that do not.