Thursday Thoughts - 07/27/2023

Here are my Thursday Thoughts, a short list of the most interesting things that I’ve read, heard, and/or watched over the past week.

running by house by Stable Diffusion Dream Studio

running by house by Stable Diffusion Dream Studio

What I Read:

The Best Days Are Ahead

Jared Dillon muses on how to approach life after accomplishing a significant goal or reaching a milestone. Drawing from examples in his own personal life and pop culture, he crafts an inspirational message that can be succinctly distilled into the five words comprising the title of his post.

The Return on Hassle Spectrum

Nick Maggiulli dissects a recent viral Twitter post on real estate rentals. He offers a nuanced perspective on a seemingly one-sided argument, cleverly tying this example into the return on hassle theory. The theory essentially suggests that the greater the hassle, the higher the return.

Although I was unfamiliar with the theory, I had a clear understanding of the concept, referring to it as sweat equity. This notion reminded me of my experience managing an Axie guild. Lacking the capital to invest in a large number of AXS and make significant returns through staking, I had to expend time and effort to breed Axies and run a scholarship program to yield substantial returns.

What I Tried:

Find the Perfect Running Shoe

Brooks has developed a twelve-question quiz to guide customers to the appropriate shoe. This quiz takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Throughout the assessment, several “Behind the Science” links are provided, offering further information about the evaluation tasks. For instance, if you wobble while standing on your non-dominant foot, it suggests that your soft tissue could benefit from additional support.

The quiz recommended a support shoe for me, which aligns with previous advice I received from the salesperson at the running store.

Tags: #money #axie infinity #health

Thursday Thoughts

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